Real Estate Multifamily Typical Offering

Real Estate Multifamily Typical Offering

1. Make a positive and sustainable impact on the property Source and identify assets (proven) 2. Underwrite and discover hidden value (proven) 3. Pursue, negotiate and win deals (proven) 4. Develop asset business plans (proven) 5. Negotiate purchase and sale agreements (proven) 6. Conduct thorough due diligence (proven) 7. Secure financing (proven) 8. Close deals (proven) 9. Manage assets (in progress) 10. Execute asset business plans (in progress) 11. Dispose of assets; and (in near future) 12. Deliver investment returns (in near future)

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Typical Multifamily Deals

Typical Multifamily Deals

1. 150 - 250 units 2. Class B/C (preferences on mid-80's assets) 3. Value add component 4. Located in a growing city

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Life balance

Life balance

1. Healthy life style 2. Time management 3. Balance physical / mental / spiritual and financial outcome 4. Sourcing inspiration and sense of purpose through my husband and my kids 5. Giving back volunteering and helping charitable work 6. Improving our community one deal at the time

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